Javier Alvargonzalez Приложения

iContraception 2.4.3
Javier Alvargonzalez
This App is intended for health-care providers. Itcontainsrecommendations intended to help health-care providersdeterminethe safe use of contraceptive methods among women withvariouscharacteristics, habits and medical conditions. Providerscanselect conditions according to the patient, and the Appassignsautomatically a category for each method. Generally speakingandwith medical criteria, categories 1 and 2 permit the use ofatreatment in any case or with some considerations and categories3and 4 advise against or forbid its usage. For moreinformationconsult this App or its documentation. Therecommendations refer tocontraceptive methods being used forcontraceptive purposes; therecommendations do not consider the useof contraceptive methodsfor treatment of medical conditions becausethe eligibilitycriteria in these cases may differ. Therecommendations and allinformation contained in this App, are basedon the document"Medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use,Fourth edition2009" published by WHO ("World Health Organization").Adaptationsand modifications to update its contents has been madefollowingthe conferences of the "Sociedad Española deContracepción"(Spanish Society for Contraception) and the CDCdocument "U.S.Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use,2010".